




丛捕获在制造过程的每一个阶段的详细数据,但有什么好处的数据,而不智力?Plex的商业智能的话,报表和分析的方便,灵活,无需编程创建自定义报表和仪表盘需要。增益IntelliPlex宝贵的商业资讯,让您将plex制造云投资。我们由内Plex的导航到商业智能菜单并选择IntelliPlex,嵌入式商业智能工具开始了。IntelliPlex让您轻松创建报表,图表和仪表板,并使用贵公司的独特的安全设置,在自己的文件夹结构管理。例如,用户IntelliPlex生成许可证可以根据用户,部门或特定群体创造了公司主文件夹下的文件夹层次结构,然后自定义其安全性。通过一个简单的与Plex的用户安全同步IntelliPlex安全工程使用,可配置接口。当建立IntelliPlex资产,用户有指向的选择已有的数据源或更高级的用户还可以创建自己的续集存储过程。IntelliPlex的能力不停止近在重数据,但它也给用户上传从外部来源,如Microsoft Excel电子表格,文本文件或JSON文件数据的选项。我们会选择这个演示的目的,生产数据库。 From the IntelliPlex document window, simply select the Insert Tab to select a chart, report, or existing asset. We’ll start by inserting a report and then a chart. We can then select among all the data elements within this particular source and start building a report simply by dragging and dropping. Let’s sum by quantity and specify that we want it by part number and also by part group. We are also going to filter by record date. Then, we can simply hit “run” to see our report based on our live data in the system. Creating a report is as simple as that. Reports don’t need to be bland and boring. You can choose from additional themes that apply various predefined stylesheets to your report to match your company’s brand or color scheme. We might want to limit the data by adding filters to the chart or report. For example, filtering on the date field to pull data from the current month only or a particular customer. You can make dashboards user friendly enough that anyone in the company can manipulate data to improve sites and make more informed business decisions. And creating highly visual charts is as simple as clicking a button. You can create charts using the same data source as the report or a different data source and still group the documents within the same dashboard. You can select from a variety of different chart types to help business users most easily analyze the data and make quick and informed decisions. But, IntelliPlex is so powerful that users can even create their own charts directly from the dashboard in real-time. Here, I’m creating an ad hoc pie chart that shows the distribution of part groups visually. And, you can change the part type on the fly or adjust the visualization. Since IntelliPlex is completely embedded within The Plex Manufacturing Cloud, any of the dashboards you create and save can be made available to users directly from the Plex Menu structure for easy access. Users can access all the key information they need within a single place in rich interactive dashboards, complete with reports and charts wrapped in formatting and styles to meet your company’s requirements and branding. Applications built within IntelliPlex can be shared with internal and external customers via Report Caster, a schedule tool that’s part of the IntelliPlex Business Intelligence platform. With IntelliPlex, all your users get current and trusted insights wherever they are within the right context and across the right devices to enable critical business decisions. To learn more, or to see a more detailed demonstration, please contact Plex at 855-534-8012, or online at www.jncmfj.com/contact.



Green Flash Brewery通过大幅减少与Plex制造云之间的库存差异来提高盈利能力。



