

Plex企业版是专门为拥有多站点制造操作的组织设计的,这些组织希望更好的可见性,以便更有效地管理他们的财务,更好地控制他们的供应链流程。可扩展性,以支持全球分布的业务,现在和未来。跨所有位置的事务的实时可见性,允许您做出更明智的业务决策。最后,Plex企业提供控制来利用丰富的、实体间的和税务遵从性的能力。让我们来看看Plex Enterprise是如何允许您在企业中存在的业务实体之间创建层次关系的。使用通用搜索很容易在Plex中进行导航。当您键入时,相关的点击会被列出,并随着每次击键而不断细化。下面是该企业的实体的层次结构列表。现在让我们通过“提交支付”交易来探索Edge公司的多实体关系。当我搜索“提交”时,万能搜索完成了短语作为唯一的解决方案。

边缘公司是控制或父实体,而其他区域被表示为促进实体。这意味着,用户指定为边缘财务或边缘生命科学能够为他们的地区提交付款。而在同一时间的边缘公司的用户可以为任何一个连接的企业本地提交付款。这些关系可以很容易地配置,以反映您的组织结构使用相同的层次关系,Plex的企业,使跨实体容易“会计科目表”的管理,同时让你留在控制。从账户定义屏幕边缘集团的图表中,选择一个或多个账户,以使操作栏的动作。选择“复制账户”来创建此相同的帐户,与一个或多个连接的企业,从弹出屏幕。就这么简单!让我们打开一个新的标签为每个实体进行来回切换更容易。丛是土生土长的网络解决方案,并使用所有典型的浏览器工具。当然,Plex的是独立于浏览器。 Plex’s robust role-based security manages accounts at each entity level. In this case, the account structure is controlled by corporate, so the “add” button is missing showing that you do not have permission to add new accounts. In this example, you have limited permission to edit some fields, such as Account Description, but not fields controlled by corporate, such as Cost Center. Permission levels are highly customizable to fit your business needs. Now let’s take a look at “Multi-entity Journal Entries” in “General Ledger” back in the Edge Corp tab. From the main menu, you can navigate using the breadcrumbs. As a controlling entity, Edge Corp can enter a journal entry that spans across businesses. For example, a debit in Marketing Expenses in Edge Corp is balanced by two separate credits in Edge Financial Services and Edge Life Sciences.

当然,还有很多事情的幕后这里,作为实体间的禁忌帐户用于维护每个单独实体的会计平衡。这成为从显示了“账户交易报告”明显的 - “因”账户用于在边缘金融服务和前沿的生命科学平衡日记条目,而“应收”账户用于平衡日记帐分录边公司下一步188bet手机登录登录, we’ll move to the corporate cash management functions, which help you consolidate your payments and receipts at the controlling entity level – in this case, Edge Corp. Let’s pull a supplier, Alpha, and look at invoices submitted by the contributing business in Edge Life Sciences and by the controlling business in Edge Corp. When you want to enter an invoice date, you can select from the most common periods or enter your own. In this case, Year to Date. You can quickly select one or more invoices – across entities – and choose to prepare for payment, thereby, taking advantage of the enterprise-wide relationship with Alpha, and making the centralized bank reconciliation process a breeze. Let’s look at a customer, Paccar (pronounced Pack-R). Financial Details for Paccar are available from the context menu popup and have already been replicated across all connected businesses. You can see that this customer has an enterprise level credit limit of $750,000, of which, about $400,000 is still unused. We can go to the AR Aging Report and look at consolidated transactions for this customer and see invoices entered by various connected entities. With Plex Enterprise Edition you have scalability across collective businesses for terms and consolidated management of funds while gaining visibility across your global operations for more control and better decision-making. To learn more or see a more detailed demonstration, please contact Plex at 855-534-8012 or visit